Friday, 17 November 2017

rot and new habits

Living in Calgary is pretty awesome for moving toward zero waste. There is a really good recycling program and now there is a wonderful compost program! I was so stoked to hear about this program as most of the waste I was still creating was food waste and compostable items! The program began in more suburban neighbourhoods and I live in an apartment building so unfortunately I couldn't participate easily. BUT MY BUILDING GOT COMPOST AND I'M VERY EXCITED ABOUT IT!

I love seeing the massive difference between my the garbage I throw out compared to when I wasn't composting! It's so incredibly easy to compost, if it is food it can be composted. So many other things can be composted as well and it is so easy! It takes a while to get into the habit of separating your trash but the slight inconvenience is worth it when you consider the difference it can make!

(sorry about the qual of the photos today. I took them on my phone. It's actually fine. I don't know why I'm apologizing)


After several months of practicing waste free grocery shopping Im actually getting better at it! I had to do an unexpected run for a few things tonight and was able to do it without using any plastic bags and I am really stoked about that! It's so easy to shop and not use plastic bags! I clean my veggies before I eat them and therefore can just place them in my basket and not into those small plastic bags that feel weird! The bag my mushrooms came in can be composted! The glass bottle the sweet chill sauce came in could either be reused or recycled! Because I have been planning and practicing and making mistakes for months I now know what I can do, I know my resources, and I'm comfortable with a new way of shopping. I'm pretty proud of myself and I wanted to share.

Thursday, 2 November 2017


Josh and I stopped using paper towel. The transition has been easier for me then Josh because I didn't grow up using it. Josh is wonderfully supportive and is totally willing to make this adjustment. Like all the other adjustments we have made toward a more sustainable lifestyle it takes a week or so and then it becomes a new normal, it's suprisingly easy once you make the initial step.

We have replaced the paper towel with cotton dishcloths. I make my own dishcloths and have been doing this for years. It is an easy way to save money. The ones I create are durable and beautiful. I usually make them while I watch a movie to give my hands something to do. Because I make them myself the only waste I create is the recyclable paper that is wrapped around the yarn when I buy it. I learned to knit them when I was nine. 

I have spent most of my life watching and then emulating people. Especially my Grandma. 

Through out the last months it has become increasingly evident that she was a powerhouse of influence. In my life and my families. Her and my Grandpa left us a legacy of faith, work ethic, and family. 

She was an avid knitter. Creating sweaters, socks, and dishcloths for everyone in her family. She taught me and my cousin Naomi to make dishcloths when we were nine. She guided us through the motions. I will never forget how it felt to sit in her TV room, watching Anne of Green Gables, and struggling with some yarn. Her hands were swift and perfect. Mine were slow and childish. 

I still make dishcloths. I still create the same thing she made. She used to supply my mothers linen cupboard with as many dishcloths as she needed, and now I have taken that role.

I hold this skill dear to my heart. It is my little piece of her. 

I honour her by using this skill to bless others. 

Holy Christmas

Holy Christmas my dudes. I love/hate Christmas. I like fires, and snacks, and friends, and giving gifts, and getting gifts, train sets, e...